year 27

one thing I actually love about the fact that my birthday is at the end of the calendar year is that when i sit and reflect over the last 365 days it sort of feels like a true end to a chapter. it’s probably my OCD traits that love that so much lol, however, I thought before 28 arrives, I would reflect on what year 27 has left me with.

none of this comes from a place of “i’m right in this, and there’s no room for growth or perspective” - it’s where my heart has landed entering into a new year. i’m sure there’s more profound lessons concerning these things headed my way, but we’re not quite there yet.

| here is a list of what year 27 taught me.

  • forgiveness can truly set you free; whereas a begrudged heart will only stunt your growth.

  • a better way often follows a temporary no.

  • you’re only as picky of an eater as you allow yourself to be - try something new, you’ll probably love it!

  • time is not on our side. it’s honestly so against us. our time here is so very temporary; our hobbies, jobs, insecurities, passions, families & loved ones - all matter, but do not deserve to be all we’re consumed by and where we put all of our efforts.


  • let go of hard things.

  • when you’re hurting, especially at great lengths & for quite a while, try switching the narrative for a moment. be an encouragement, love on, pray for, and help someone else. it’s so healing to authentically show up for someone else, with no ulterior motives. to be good simply because it’s good.

  • to be the friend you desire - without expectation or motives to receive the same in return - at least not right away.

  • God never wants perfection. He just wants your messy self to try. daily.

  • you have what you need in this moment. be grateful when you start to feel discontent.

  • we were never meant to know what everyone is doing, every moment, of every day. along with putting away your phone, we need to set boundaries for ourselves within the parameter of our usage. follow people who encourage you to be better. who make you laugh. who teach. who love well. who have a strong sense of what it looks like to create healthy boundaries themselves. and only observe in small amounts.

— in that same vein, we allow ourselves to miss the moments we’re living in, by following along with someone else’s “now” & we need to stop doing that. especially if we have families to tend and pour into.

  • when feelings of inadequacy make their way into your thoughts and your heart, remember that your value, and worth do not come from “how many” people validate you. even the most beloved humans, with the most money can afford, find themselves desiring something much deeper and meaninful. find meaning and value and your worth in God, and those other things will only effect you minorly.

  • seasonal relationships/friendships are healthy.

  • love your people.


we live with this misconception that there are people undeserving of grace, love, forgiveness, opinions, help, a listening ear - but Jesus sat with the most hated and undesirable people and told them that He loved them even still. No one is better than anyone else when it comes to our hearts. sin should always be acknowledged, but always with an understanding that it’s not our place to condemn or hate someone for it.


a little life update


musings : effort and heart