It’s so funny too, re-reading what I just wrote I laugh because I am not typically a stressed-out person. Especially by these sorts of things. I wing things a lot, I’m very aware of intuition and a “less is more” mentality is where I usually fall - but something about this pregnancy as a whole has really rewired my brain in an unhealthy way & I’m prayerfully working through all of that. It’s not who I want to be and not how I want to begin this next chapter.
Anyway, we’ve done some fun stuff too! It’s not all been hard, stressful, painful lol
We’ve been taking advantage of these last few weeks of just the three of us. Going on family dates, staying up later, and incorporating some fun things into our days/weekends to make Rehn feel seen and loved. We talk about her new baby sibling often and she is so excited to be brought into it all with us which is a very happy thing. I don’t know that I was ever nervous about her not wanting to be a part of it all, i was always more aware of making her feel seen and just as loved as she always has been throughout this entire pregnancy, but also leading up to the birth because 4 years of just us is a lot to switch from!
She’s a rockstar and I’m excited to watch her be a big sister.