July ‘23

Hi, Friends!

We’re back with another harvest letter — idk if it sounds lame calling it that, but i didn’t want to call it a newsletter, and it sounded cute and a little poetic, so we’re sticking with it lol

we’re gonna do a more bullet-point letter this time around!

  • being a sahm has been hard these days. not because it’s not joyful, or honestly for any one particular reason - i think it’s been harder lately because it’s felt really mundane. really similar day-to-day & needs something to shift or change to make them seem less bleh and all blending together? when i miscarried, well, when i found out i was pregnant, i started to step back a little with the more active or strenuous things, and after i miscarried i found myself settled into that rhythm and it’s been a haaaard thing to shift and break from.

    i want to spend time with her, and i want to create happy & educational things for her on a daily basis, but also it’s been hard to find the motivation to do all of that right now. i’ve been forcing myself to do things that i don’t feel like.. for example - we went on a bike ride around our neighborhood, which we haven’t done in a hot minute, and i just found things that made me happy during that time. I found queen annes lace and other “weeds” and just foraged as we walked and had a little bqt when we got home. it was nice. it was something that tricked my mind into loving what i didn’t love the idea of.

  • i believe i chatted a bit in the last letter about this, but taking a social media break has been slowly healing my soul. it hasn’t been an overnight, light-bulb thing either. i feel like i have to retrain myself to be bored. to listen to my own intuition. to prioritize my family. to prioritize the Lord. i have very quickly realized that when we rid ourselves of one distraction, we find another outlet that can be just as distracting.. which can be discouraging, but it’s something we need to be able to acknowledge and pivot in. but i have noticed that i take fewer photos. i take fewer videos, and the funny thing about it all is that i used to really feel like if i didn’t capture that moment to look back on forever, I’d be missing out.. or Rehn would be missing out… but that’s such a sad way to live your life. it’s so nice to document moments, but it’s just as nice to be fully present and only be able to feel that sense of joy by remembering that at random, from your heart.

  • we started our first, very minimal vegetable garden this year! we put them in the ground around the first week of June? maybe the last week of May… so we were off to a late start, but we harvested(Rehn got to harvest them which was very happy and fun)little tomatoes & i’ve spotted our first heirloom tomato that’s ripening which is also very happy! i already have so many plans for things i’d love to add next year.

  • my Grandma is back in town for a few months, which is always so happy. we tend to have her for days at a time & watching her and Rehn bond together has been one of the most special memories I’ll ever have. she turns 90 this December & I’ve been so blessed to have her as this source of Wisdom and encouragment. it’s always founded in her love for Christ, which inspires me so much.

  • lastly, i’ve been really loving journaling these days. i have 4 & i thought i’d break them down for you and maybe inspire you to start documenting things too!

⋂ a common place

this is a journal that holds quotes, lyrics, and inspiration i gather from others. whether that’s books, quotes, words from someone i know personally, a sermon, a song, a movie… something that means something to me and that i can look back on and relearn, or feel inspired by again.

⋂ brown paper journal

this is writing of my own. a little hub for all of my heart wrestling and rambles. where i can be creative, honest, raw, encouraging(to myself), and where i can be myself to my core. growing up i must have had(continuing now)100’s of notebooks. unorganized, scribbled in and with torn out pages & i am just now finally, at 29, finding everything their own home. i write in this the least i think, but when the pen finds the page, it feels really good.

⋂ todays good

this is something i’ve done for quite some time now. i have many posts on instagram and tiktok about this… but it’s a dated page with several one-liner sentences of how today is a good day. an example? sure lol


⋂ this last year

this is something i have several times started, but not for this intent, but have lost track of or stopped journaling in due to business. but this is something i decided to do for Rehn. every year i will begin a new journal(i have them VOL & dated for her to keep track of)and document her year. whether it’s a mundane Monday or a fun-filled day, i want her to be able to live through the words on the page and to see how loved, and how special she always has been to me(and my husband). i add quotes or phrases, or accomplishments like when she was officially potty trained, or when she learned how to spell her name as well because those are so fun to look back on. this will be my letter to her every year, rather than a card for birthdays. something more intentional, meaningful, and honestly something that really does embody my convictions and lifestyle choices of being more sustainable and intentional as a whole. this is the journal i’m most excited to fill each day.

LIFE LATELY * in photos *


july favorites

july favorites


and there we have it! our second harvest letter!

this is so fun! it’s not always going to look the same week to week, but i will always strive to be raw, and honest when i show up! that’s always my heart, but sometimes i find that when people send out newsletters, they can typically share the good and the beautiful, which is lovely and good - but to relate to someone, to feel less alone, to remember we’re all human and all experiencing grief or sadness or hardships, that’s encouraging at such a heart level and i’m always willing to humble myself, and get a little vulnerable if i can be that for someone!

until next time, friends :)


August ‘23


June ‘23