musings: ripples of kindness Mar 11 Written By emily styx a value i’ve really leaned into these last couple of years - if you are able to make someone’s day/life better or easier, do’s as simple as a check-in text. a $5 coffee/treat Venmo. loaning/donating baby equipment or clothes you are not using to mamas you know.or a loaf of bread. not because you HAVE to, but because you wanted to.if we all prioritized what we could do for someone else rather than wishing things be done for you, imagine that ripple effect! // february 11, 2022 emily styx
musings: ripples of kindness Mar 11 Written By emily styx a value i’ve really leaned into these last couple of years - if you are able to make someone’s day/life better or easier, do’s as simple as a check-in text. a $5 coffee/treat Venmo. loaning/donating baby equipment or clothes you are not using to mamas you know.or a loaf of bread. not because you HAVE to, but because you wanted to.if we all prioritized what we could do for someone else rather than wishing things be done for you, imagine that ripple effect! // february 11, 2022 emily styx